5 Tips to keep Birds away from your Garden and Property

Some bird varieties can be annoying and challenging to handle when they are fond of visiting your garden or landing on your roof. Birds such as crows, pigeons, and other varieties of blackbirds cause a lot of harm to your garden when they feed on mature crops, seedlings, and destroy other garden structures. Since birds […]

Rats in the Roof? Here are Effective Control Tips for Homeowners

A disaster awaits you if you suspect you have rats in your roof but have done nothing to get rid of them. These rodents can chew on anything in their way, including structures, insulation and wiring, and build nests everywhere, slowly turning your home into ruins. Roof rat eradication can be as complicated as removing […]

Mice in your Property? Here are Effective Control Tips

Do not be attracted to their appealing eyes. Mice are not pets to keep in your house. These creatures are the most destructive of any pests. They feed on anything except steel! When they invade your home in search of food, shelter, and places to reproduce, they establish their nests. Dealing with mice and rodents […]