Finest Details for the Proper Choice of Grass

A good alternative to a natural lawn is a lawn made of artificial grass. The artificial lawn was invented in the 1950s and was called “chemical grass”. Artificial lawns were widely used in the 1970s, when they were used as sports cover in football stadiums, and later on sports grounds. With As Good As Grass all your requirements will be filled up perfectly.

Modern artificial grass in its quality characteristics fully corresponds to the natural lawn, but in comparison with it have a number of significant advantages:

  • Service life – the use of artificial grass is possible throughout the year. Artificial grass is resistant to temperature differences;
  • Shape retention under active loads – artificial grass is resistant to contact with sports shoes and heavy loads for a long time;
  • Ease in caring for artificial lawn – ease of lawn care. To restore the shape of the lawn after active loads, for example, if this is a football field, it is enough to “comb” the grass with rakes and remove debris from the lawn;
  • Comfort– the pile of artificial grass is tactilely pleasant, it’s very pleasant to walk barefoot on an artificial lawn, which makes it not replaceable and convenient for use as a cover for children’s playgrounds.

Artificial grass is divided into artificial grass and landscape artificial grass. The difference between these species is reflected in the density of the grass pile and the way in which the lawn is laid, as well as in the intensity of use.

Sports artificial grass serves as an excellent quality sports cover for almost any sports grounds – football fields, tennis courts, volleyball courts, golf courses, and so on. If artificial grass is supposed for mini-courts (tennis), it will be more appropriate to cover with a pile height in the range of 8-23 mm. For mini-football and multifunctional grounds, coverings with a “grass” of 20-50 mm are best suited. The combination of different pile heights from 8 to 30 mm is good for golf courses.

The pile of the sports artificial grass is stiffer and denser than the nap of the landscape artificial grass, because the mode of operation of sports coverage is much more intensive. When laying a lawn from sports artificial grass used sand and rubber chips to fill the lower layer of the coating. This method ensures a good cushioning of the lawn.

Some manufacturers of sports artificial grass recommend pouring the grass with ice under the ice rink. They say that the quality of the coating does not suffer from this. However, all such operations are desirable to produce with high-quality artificial grass made of polyethylene with a pile height of 9 to 30 mm, and also with a recommended service life of 5 to 15 years.

Landscaping artificial or ornamental artificial grass is made in a different way. Typically, it consists of two types of pile: long fibers mimic the grass stems, and a twisted fiber-substrate in the base of the coating stabilizes the stems and gives the coating elasticity.

Post Author: Cedric Walker